Embracing 21st Century Learning at LGS

At LGS, we have integrated modern technology alongside student- centered classes to foster critical thinking. Our pedagogy focuses on preparing our students for the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.




Introducing LGS

LGS provides a top-tier educational experience that ensures excellence. It’s your gateway to the best education available. Choose LGS for a superior learning journey.”

Digitally-Impacted Learning

"Empowering Education Through Digital Transformation: A Learning Revolution Unleashed.

Social & Emotional Learning

"Enhancing Interpersonal Skills and Self-awareness: The Keys to Success in Both Life and Work."

Enriched Learning (Sports & Extra Curriculars)

Cultivating a Growth Mindset: Creating an Enabling and Nurturing Environment for Personal and Professional Development.

Learning that Encourages Critical Thinking

Fueling Minds and Hearts: Activities and Opportunities that Ignite Curiosity and Innovation.

Learning that encourages service

SSR - School Social Responsibility : Encouraging our students to serve the community and country.


“Uniting Minds, Shaping Futures: Collaborative Education Across Junior, Middle, and Senior School.”


Junior Section

In Alignment with the UK

Curriculum Engaged classroom with active learners


Middle Section

Interactive and collabrative classrooms

Learning beyond borders


Senior Section

Learning led by experts in engaged classrooms

Innovation led by students and teachers focused on excellence in the CAIE.


Branches of LGS


Number of Students ≈


Number of Teachers ≈


Number of Alumni ≈

LGS is steadfastly committed to serving the cause of Education, nation- wide, for the last 44 years.

We are proud of our heritage with a focus towards the future as we create and innovate.



Syeda Nighat Ali


For almost four decades, Lahore Grammar School has endeavoured to make Pakistan a better place by contributing to the education sector. We have effectively led education in the country through our quality education framework, diverse events and unparalleled facilities. Lahore Grammar School has consistently provided an enriching learning environment through special syllabi designed to promote real life skills that can generate intellectual ideas that have real world application.


Ainee Shehzad


Ms.Ainee Shehzad has joined Lahore Grammar School as a Consultant. We look forward to her guidance and collaboration with our Senior Leadership Team and teachers to make our branch a model of excellence in academics and technology. Ms. Ainee Shehzad is an accomplished educationist, author, master trainer, motivational speaker and researcher. Her services to the field of education are diverse and numerous.

JS Head Pic

Shabana Barlas


As the Principal of the Lahore Grammar School DHA Karachi, I am delighted to share with you some of the exciting programmes and initiatives we have in place to enhance your child’s learning experience. We understand that this is a crucial time in a child’s education, as it sets the foundation for their academic, social and emotional growth. 

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Saima Bukhari

Section Head - JS / MS

As the Section Head of the Junior and Middle School at LGS, I am delighted to share with you our goals. LGS strives to provide a well-rounded education that fosters the holistic development of our students. We believe that education should not only focus on academics but should also encompass the development of social, emotional, and physical aspects of our students’ lives.

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Kiran Ali

Section Head - SS

As a section Head of senior school, I am delighted to have the opportunity to connect with you and share some exciting updates. As a school, we are committed to providing our students with the best possible education and opportunities to succeed in the 21st century.

Meenoo Naqvi

Syeda Meenoo Hassan Naqvi

Head of Academics

At Lahore Grammar School DHA Karachi, our vision is to empower every student to achieve their full potential, pursue their passions, and positively impact the world. Our mission is to provide a dynamic, inclusive learning environment that nurtures intellectual curiosity, creativity, and personal growth.



Talha Junaid

Head of Enrichment

As the Enrichment Head of Lahore Grammar School DHA Karachi, our core vision and mission, serve as the guiding principles for everything we do. At LGS, we envision a community where every student is empowered to achieve their fullest potential, pursue their passions, and positively impact the world.

Student Gazette